Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How to handle bad publicity, when it happens...

How to handle bad publicity, when it happens... from bCentral

Be Prepared

You can minimise the impact of negative publicity by crisis planning: identifying things that could go wrong and then working out how best to counter them.

"We deal with a whole range of problems and crises for our clients," says Steve Osborne-Brown, managing director at public relations consultancy Hallmark PR. "Although they are all different, proper planning and good procedures reduce the negative effects every time."

• Think about what might trigger any bad publicity for your business. Consider things specific to your sector or industry as well as your particular business. List examples of companies similar to yours that have received bad publicity or areas of weakness within your business. It will help to be aware of which media might be interested in your business.

• There's more good advice on handling crisis from a PR agency here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like you haven't had many comments and write a pretty neat blog. My question is how much does your business have to be worth to be traded publicly? I've been trying to read as much as possible but not really getting any answers. For example company WVTI.PK is worth less than 200k and its traded on the pinksheets. Can any company be traded on the pinksheets even if its only capital is $5k to get started?

thanks - finance ninja.

5:32 AM  

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